Pellet Remedies— Instructions for Use

Certain environmental factors may prevent or hinder the action of homeopathic remedies. Please read the following instructions carefully.


Taking the remedy:

  1. AVOID TOUCHING THE REMEDY. Make sure that your hands are free of strong odors.  Pour specified number (per dose) of pellets into cap then shake directly into your mouth. Let the dose dissolve on or under your tongue for a short time before swallowing.
  2. THE MOUTH SHOULD BE SUBSTANCE FREE. Ideally, the mouth should be free from food, liquid, gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, etc. for about 15 minutes before and after taking the remedy. In acute situations, it’s fine to rinse your mouth with water before dosing.
  3. PROTECT THE REMEDY. Direct sunlight, heat over 110 degrees (such as in a car in summer), and strong odors will often destroy a remedy before you even take it. Avoid applying strong perfume/cologne or essential oils at the same time you take a remedy dose. Store remedies at room temperature away from electromagnetic radiation sources, such as computers, microwave ovens, and televisions.  
  4. DISCARD SPILLED OR TRANSFERRED REMEDY. If some remedy accidently spills from its container, do not return it to the container. Discard it. Do not transfer the remedy to other containers or bottles that contained other substances.  Do not reuse the containers when they are empty as they may still carry properties of the remedy.


  1. CAMPHOR: Skin or mucous membrane application of camphor or menthol may antidote remedies. Avoid anything that has significant amounts of camphor or menthol, such as deep-heat rubs, liniments, Vicks, Ben Gay, Tiger Balm, Noxzema, Carmex, Blistex, Sea Breeze, some massage compounds, some Chinese candies, Halls cough lozenges, etc. Generally, the mere smelling of camphor is not enough to antidote a remedy. Mint-flavored products such as toothpaste, gum, and soap can be used, but it may be best to avoid peppermint-flavored Altoids.
  2. COFFEE: Coffee (regular or decaffeinated) in large quantities may antidote homeopathic remedies. It’s best to limit coffee to about 2 cups per day. Coffee flavored foods and drinks (kahlua, coffee ice cream, coffee yogurt, etc.) and black tea, herb teas, Coca Cola and other caffeine containing substances generally will not antidote unless you are specifically sensitive to them.
  3. ANYTHING TO WHICH YOU ARE PARTICULARLY SENSITIVE: Avoid any food, chemical, or substance which you know causes severe reactions in your particular system – e.g., hives or skin eruptions after certain food; odors which make you feel faint; things which specifically cause asthma, etc. Moderate use of alcohol, tobacco, or recreational drugs does not generally interfere, as long as there is no special sensitivity (i.e., no strong reaction from a single sip or puff). However, marijuana may antidote certain remedies.
  4. ELECTRIC BLANKETS, WATERBED HEATERS, MATTRESS PADS, AND HEATING PADS: It’s fine to use them to heat up your bed but avoid sleeping under or on them while they are turned on.
  5. DENTAL WORK: Simple teeth cleaning is not a problem. However, the actual drilling and the chemicals used in dental work may antidote homeopathic remedies. Please consult your practitioner before or promptly after you have any dental work other than simple teeth cleaning.
  6. ALLOPATHIC DRUGS: Allopathic drugs are designed to remove specific symptoms without much regard to the person as a whole. This approach often leads to suppression of the symptoms and antidoting of the homeopathic remedy. Please tell your practitioner about all drugs, strong herbs, diet pills, birth control pills, etc. that you are taking. Avoid stopping strong allopathic drugs without first consulting your physician and informing your homeopathic practitioner. An occasional Tylenol, Advil, or aspirin will not cause a problem.
  7. SKIN MEDICINES: It is not uncommon for homeopathic remedies to temporarily bring back old skin symptoms. Please do not use locally applied medications without first talking to your practitioner. This is especially true of topical steroids/cortisone.